Update NuGet packages ...

... and how to find the ones needing it!


1 min read

I find myself updating NuGet packages many times on my dotnet projects. And trying to find commands as many times as I have to update them ๐Ÿคฆ so, I decided to make it available forever as a reference to me.

For this, we just need a command line or terminal open, and ...

dotnet list package --outdated

Then, this will take some time to run (1 min or so โŒ›) and the result will be something similar to this:

And that's it, next you can just edit the .csproj file where the packages are referenced or use the following CLI command:

dotnet add package RavenDb.Client --version 5.4.107

I'll keep in touch ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ˜‰
